Animology Essentials Perfect Puppy Shampoo Puppy Dog Shampoo 250 Ml

Animology Essentials Perfect Puppy Shampoo Puppy Dog Shampoo 250 Ml

Brand : Animology
Price : $21.00
Animology Essentials Perfect Puppy Shampoo Puppy Shampoo 250 ML
Animology Essentials Perfect Puppy Shampoo is a mild shampoo suitable for your puppy's sensitive skin.
It is suitable for use of all leather layers. Gives a feeling of freshness and coolness. Baby Powder is scented.
Perfect Puppy shampoo is a mild dog shampoo suitable for all breeds.
Ideal for cleaning, deodorizing and grooming, Perfect Puppy helps keep your dog's coat fresh and well-groomed.
It can be used on all hair types and is suitable for all dogs from 6 weeks of age.
Perfect Puppy is part of the budget-friendly Animology Essentials line. You can use it with the Perfect Puppy spritz for a fresher smelling coat.
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